Breast Augmentation | Enlargement |Reduction Surgery In Pune

Breast cosmetic surgery also known as mammoplasty is performed for breast augmentation, breast enlargement, and breast reduction surgery. GlamX Aesthetic has the best breast augmentation doctors in Pune and state-of-art technology to perform a safer and effective breast enlargement treatment and reduction surgery in Pune at affordable cost.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is performed to enhance the size, appearance, and contour of the breasts. Women adopt for breast augmentation for aesthetic purpose or to fix the asymmetric size of their breasts. It can be done pre or post pregnancy. usually done as a day care procedure with a small 3cm inframmammary scar with silicone implants. Can be inserted sub glandular or Submuscular or Dual plane. 

We also do breast enlargement by Fat grafting. this may require multiple sitting and Ptosis and massive corrections is not possible by this method

With Implants
With Fat Grafting

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is performed on women with heavy breasts who suffer from weakness, back pain and neck pain due to their enlarged breasts. Breast reduction can affect the breast sensation and ability to breastfeed. It also leaves a scar. 


Quality of the implants decide the cost of procedure. may range from 110000 to 160000 INR

Augmentation : infection, hepatoma, capsular contracture and others

Reduction : scarring, breastfeed, altered sensation, dehiscence.

It is usually a day care procedure. No physical manipulation should occur for three months, sports bra immediately for support. rest care as advised

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We treat each individual uniquely and therefore the treatments are customized to meet the person’s requirements.